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Cursos Online



O Medicine Women Gathering é um refúgio sagrado onde mulheres de todo o Brasil e do mundo se encontram para compartilhar, aprender, curar e celebrar em um espaço seguro e acolhedor. Anualmente, esse encontro inspirador reúne mais de 300 mulheres, proporcionando-lhes a oportunidade de explorar sua verdadeira essência e serem amadas e celebradas exatamente como são.


Uma viagem para mergulhar na sabedoria dos povos antigos Mexicanos e desfrutar da beleza mística das pirâmides escondidas no centro do México.


A Medicine Women Brand nasceu do meu desejo em criar roupas que não apenas trouxessem uma sensação boa, mas também fossem práticas, fáceis de usar e versáteis o suficiente para combinar com qualquer ocasião.

A princípio, todas as peças que desenhei para a MW foram criadas para uso pessoal meu e da minha família. Com o tempo, essas peças despertaram a curiosidade das pessoas ao meu redor e nas redes sociais.

Em 2022, decidi levar a mensagem por trás das minhas criações para o mundo. Foi então que nasceu a MEDICINE WOMEN, um reflexo autêntico da minha visão. Esta marca conecta-se integralmente com o encontro que também fundei, o Medicine Women Gathering, que acontece anualmente no sul do Brasil, reunindo mulheres de todas as partes do mundo. Estou emocionada em compartilhar essa jornada e espalhar a essência curativa das Medicine Women.


Hey there! Nice to meet you all! I'm Eli, or Elisa Rose Waters. I'm a mom, entrepreneur, photographer, doula, yoga instructor, and digital influencer. It may seem like a lot, but all these aspects connect and go hand in hand.

Before dedicating myself to these passions, I had the opportunity to travel the world with a backpack, working as a content creator and photographer for big brands like Land Rover, Valisere, Movida, and various locations and services.

Interestingly enough, before that, I lived in Rio Grande do Sul and graduated in computer science. Quite a diverse journey, right? Hehe.

In 2017, I moved to São Paulo and became a certified yoga teacher through the International Yoga Alliance.

In 2019, I founded the Medicine Women Gathering, which is now in its fifth year. It's an annual gathering of feminine ancestral knowledge that lasts for six days, bringing together over 100 people each year. During this event, we engage in dances, workshops, circles, and ceremonies.

Aligned with this gathering, in 2022, I launched my own slow fashion brand called Medicine Women, which celebrates the power of women, their ancestral wisdom, and their role in society. We prioritize handmade production, promoting inclusivity and diversity in every step of the process. Each piece is unique, with exclusive design and made with love and care.

Additionally, I'm a certified birth doula and offer my services both online and in person, both in and outside of Brazil. In 2019, I created the project "Parindo uma nova Humanidade" (@parindoumanovahumanidade), with the goal of providing quality information so that more women and families can have a gentle pregnancy, birth, and postpartum experience for the mother, baby, father, and their community. Our aim is to transform humanity as a whole.

n the field of photography, I love being both in front and behind the camera. On my Instagram profile (@elirosewaters), you'll find some photos of me taken by others. The photos I've taken myself can be found on profile and also in a gallery here.

Among all these projects that the world can see, there are still the ones I work on offline: attending to patients online and in person, facilitating Mother Blessing ceremonies for pregnant women, attending births, and raising my beloved children with presence.

With love and respect,